RESPONSE ABILITY: The Complete Guide to Bystander Intervention, by Alan Berkowitz, Ph.D.

Increasingly, it is being recognized that the solution to health and social justice problems requires that we engage bystanders – individuals who observe a problem and want to do something but don’t. Despite the importance of this issue and the fact that most people want to “do the right thing” there are almost no books which explain bystander behavior, why it occurs, and what can be done about it. This volume meets this need, reviewing research and theory on bystander behavior, explaining why people don’t act even when not acting goes against their conscience, and offering practical solutions and skills for intervening in a safe, effective and respectful way. This book is an excellent resource on bystander behavior that can be used in academic classes, as a training manual, as a companion to the “Response Ability” DVD or as a personal development tool for people who want to bring about change.

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